What are the types of packing fillers, and which one is better for packing inflatable bags and Polylon?

What are the types of packing fillers? The packaging materials that can be used for filling include inflatable bags, bubble pillows, air bags, filled paper cushions, poly dragons, etc. At present, inflatable bags are more widely used, and the bubbles formed after inflating the inflatable bags can be filled with very few materials. Larger space, lower packaging cost, and has good cushioning and shock absorption performance.

Which one is better for packing inflatable bags and Polylon? There were many early applications of Polylong, and its buffer protection performance was no problem. The biggest problem was that Polylong warehousing space occupied a lot, and it was troublesome to dispose of Polylong debris, which brought customers a bad unpacking experience and was not recyclable. It is relatively harmful to the environment.

The filled air bag is made of HDPE. The finished product is simple and beautiful, and has good cushioning and shock absorption performance. It can withstand a pressure of more than 50kg. While stabilizing the product without shaking, it absorbs and weakens the impact on the product during transportation. Protect the transportation safety of the product.

At the same time, the express inflatable bag can be recycled and reused, which will not cause too much burden on the environment. The beautiful appearance improves the grade of the entire express package, which can effectively prompt customer satisfaction and leave a good impression on customers.

What are the types of packing fillers, and which one is better for packing inflatable bags and Polylon?What are the types of packing fillers, and which one is better for packing inflatable bags and Polylon?What are the types of packing fillers, and which one is better for packing inflatable bags and Polylon?

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